Wednesday, February 8, 2017

In pencils to pixels, I believe baron is right when he said technology has changed writing. I feel over the years it has changed the way we communicate for sure, but possibly for the better. An example that may justify this reason is that the pencil was not intended to write, it was meant for measurements in math. Also as time went on other technology came into play. The type writer was what started and now today we have the computer and laptops.

Some writing techniques that I prefer today is the computer/laptop. I would say this because the computer is such a useful tool, that can help and teach us all well. Everything I possibly may need can be right in front of me with a click of a button. I feel this tool is so valuable and has such a powerful impact on us.  I prefer this because while I am doing this assignment, I can backspace, write, and rewrite making it just how I like. Image result for pencils

However as a child the only way to ever have an assignment done was by writing in pencil. I absolutely hated using a pencil as a child, even to this day if you were to hand me a pencil I would probably chose to not write anything then to use a pencil. I hate the way it feels when you drag it along the page. I feel that was a reason why I struggled with writing as a child. What I feel may have hurt my writing techniques was using a pencil and a piece of paper. I feel by using them it would make the process and little harder with the editing and time consuming. Writing techniques that helped me was defiantly writing in pen. I always enjoyed that, I felt confident while writing with a pen.

I feel pixel has many advantages. One may be that it has spell check. Spell check is so important when turning in assignment, no teacher wants to read an essay that is messed up in grammar and punctuation. Also I feel that it may be quicker and easier. However, some disadvantages may be that you may tend to lose your work due to computer problems. Some writing techniques that may be disadvantage it may take way to long or even delete the work that you already did or started. An advantage to writing techniques is it is very reliable and simple.

I believe that the literacy of writing has changed in some ways. With this being said, I feel it is not the writing that changed but the way we go about it now. For example, instead of pen and paper we have a computer and keyboard. The concept is still there. However it just varies in the way it once was. I feel there is nothing wrong with this. I feel that in this time an age technology will always be changing meaning we need to expect it at one time or another, making it this time.

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