Wednesday, April 19, 2017

 Ringrose, Jessica, and Emma Renold. "Slut-shaming, Girl Power and ‘sexualisation’: Thinking through the Politics of the International SlutWalks with Teen Girls." Gender and Education 24.3 (2012): 333-43. Web.

Image result for slut shamming
Image result for slut shammingI feel that in this article it is very powerful because it takes another look at what is being said. A police officer knows that he should not use the word ‘slut’ but has to in order to get his point across. He states how girls that dress like sluts are actually putting themselves in possible danger. Our “rape society” is disgusting and this gives men a chance to look negatively at women that are showing more skin and body then normal. This can relate to 13 Reasons Why because when she was in the hot tub in her bra and underwear, she was looked at as a prize. She was slutty as you may call it. However, why is it that girls have to be covered up or they are a slut, our world is becoming so cruel.

Quarterly, Social Psychology, and Vol. 77(2) 100–1 2014. Http:// ‘‘Good Girls’’: Gender, Social Class, and Slut Discourse on Campus (n.d.): n. pag. Web.

The article “Good Girls” is about how slut shamming has devolved.  Slut shamming is not only done by males but as well as females making these accusations about them too. This connects with 13 Reasons Why because she was slut shammed. One of the reason why she killed herself was because of the experience she had while being slut shammed. She felts destroyed by this as any girl should. This topic needs to be to be addressed more in high schools so girls understand that they should not feel ashamed if this happens.

Tanenbaum, Leora. "The Truth About Slut-Shaming." The Huffington Post., 15 Apr. 2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2017.

Image result for slut “The truth about Slut Shamming” is talking about how it is very easy for girls to cross the line from sexy to slutty. I think this is something that many people mistake for as a slut. There are beautiful girls out there that do not dress slutty but that are as many may say sexy to the eye. They may be eye candy but are do not have the slutty approach. This relates to 13 Reasons why because it talks about how many young girls that have been called sluts or experienced negative things have resulted in suicide.

What Is Slut Shaming?" NoBullying - Bullying & CyberBullying Resources. N.p., 28 Feb. 2017. Web. 17 Apr. 2017.

Image result for slut shammingThis main topic of this article was to get across at why and how the slut shamming has become such a popular word in our society. This site is about preventions and how to take action when this subject comes into play with a teenage girl’s life. This connects with 13 reasons why because it states how she was slut shammed without even doing anything. In other words, she was at the wrong place at the wrong time and someone snapped a picture of her and framed it making it seem like something else happened. In reality, this picture of other girls ‘slut shamming’ her began to destroy her reputation.  An interesting quote that I found in this article was a slut back then was known as a “kitchen maid”. I feel that today if I was to hear that would be lower the self-worth of a young girl. I see how different words can make an impact on their feelings.

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