Monday, February 27, 2017

Blog 6: my story
Image result for workoutImage result for gymWe are being asked to share a story about the topic we chose. I chose health and fitness. Thinking about this topic brings many flashbacks to my head. However, I think I would like to talk about the time when I got the clear to do physical activity again. I used to be a really athletic person, soccer and softball was my life. Every day it consisted of me being outdoor or inside practicing these skills. It was around August of my senior year in high school when things started changing for me. This was the time when pre works out for soccer were starting and then try outs would come next. Knowing it was my senior year playing varsity with all my friends I could not be more excited, it was my year, my last year doing this. During this time, the days of running and kicking the ball around on the field became harder and harder for me to accomplish. I would cry about the pain I was in. I complained as though my body was shutting down. My bones in my arms and legs could not stand the activity this is when I knew I had a real problem at hand. I would get shooting pains through them, not being able to use my muscles. I was unable to hold something for longer than 2 minutes without dropping the object. Walking or standing for longer than 10 minutes was not possible either. I began missing more and more days of school because I was unable to hold the pencils and take notes and do the work that was assigned. Everything I did became a challenge for me.  I felt useless. However, after many long months of doctor visits and medicine after medicine, things finally began to improve and I got the energy and strength back to do activities. I got the okay to do physical activity. I remember being so excited to actually go for a run and do any sort of physical activity. It was September 27th and I was finally able to go to the gym nine months later on my own. No one knew how happy and excited that had made me. I had gained unnecessary weight from getting sick that all I wanted to do was loose what had been added on. I wanted to feel confident with myself and not be ashamed. I remember walking into the gym door knowing I got this. The doctors gave me the okay but I knew I still had to take it light because my strength was still not all there. That was beside the point though, I remember do some cardio exercises to then lifting some weights. I began to go every day/night. I was so sore for the longest time because of not doing anything but resting for so long. Although I was so sore I enjoyed it, I was satisfied with the pain because it was a good kind of pain not like what I went through. I still have my issues with my health but am finally able to control and handle the pain and take the medicine to help. I think this is why I really am excited to blog about this topic because it defiantly hits home to me.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Blog post 5! The start to a new lifestyle
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I chose to write about health and fitness for my blog posts. I would describe this topic as someone being in a shape that they are able to fulfill a task that involves physical activity. This topic is relevant to me because I have been extremely dedicated to the gym within these last six months or so. Like I said prior in one of my assignments, I informed you about how I got very sick a little over a year ago and was extremely down with myself with the way I looked. I was unable to do physical activity because of my health conditions that changed my life. Sad to say I put on extra weight. With that being said I took my feelings about myself into my own hands. I have seen such physical changes in myself as well as my health ways too. I feel so much happier with the way I look now as of six months ago. I also feel as though I have more energy from the way I have been eating. I have changed the way I eat drastically making myself feel more energized. I feel that this could be relevant to other people because I feel that many people may want to change the life style they are living but are unsure of how to do it. Maybe they are unsure of the way to start or are too scared to ask for help on this topic. I plan to discuss ways to improve your personal look. For example, I am going to blog about workout exercises you should do. Another thing I am going to talk about is the way about of your eating, like what may be good and bad for improving your health and physical appearance. I really want to focus on your overall body image. I want to talk about the way many of our brains think about ourselves. This means that at some point I want to elaborate on why we think of ourselves as being “fat” “overweight” or even “to thin”. There are thoughts behind this and I want to talk and learn about this. Throughout the semester of me blogging about health and fitness, I really hope to learn much more about this topic. I hope to further my knowledge so I am able to help myself with this as well as anyone else who wants the help. I expect to discover things to improve my body weight and physical exercises that I may be not familiar with. You should know as the reader that I hope that you may take what I say into consideration and try it yourself. I also hope that if you do consider to do the exercises and meal plans that I talk about and see changes that you inform me about how you are doing. Image result for Weight Training

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Digital literacy in my opinion is basically reading an article online or doing research about the subject. Now in my opinion I feel that learning online can be much more difficult then as if you were in a structured class. I feel that it is more challenging for you to focus and grasp what is being asked because it is all the student with no help from an outsider. I feel that digital literacy can vary from traditional literacy because you may be used to having the assignment right in front of you making it a physical and mental learning experience. With digital it is just in the keyboard as you search for your information.

               Some of the issues that are associated with online reading may be because it takes so much time from a teenagers growing experience. They are hooked to the computer whether it is doing homework or searching things on YouTube. Teenagers testing skills are even going down because of this. Also may even have an effect on an induvial attention span. I absolutely agree with these statements. I would agree with them because I feel reading online changelings the mind, I feel like one may be more stressed from the lightening of the computer and the text being so small. I feel it absolutely have an impact on the mind, especially teenagers.

               However there are benefits to reading online. Some may say because you are able to create your own storyline. Also reading skills are valued by employers. This is a major key in your hiring process. There was a study done in 2006 which showed that people who scored higher on reading tests tend to make a higher income. I do agree with this as well, because in today’s world reading is an everyday skill we need. For example, as little as reading our gps to reading a 30 page paper our professor assigns us. Reading is an important skill to have mastered.
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               A few things that stuck out to me while reading this article is how reading online can have a serious impact on the mind. I never truly thought about that until reading this. Another thing that stuck out to me was the way they stated about hunter being dyslexic and how he went through school in special education classes. However once he entered high school he dropped those classes. He stated how “Online just gives you what you need, nothing more or less.” I think that is a very powerful line to have said. If you are not a big online reader you are unaware of how useful the internet may be. I think this article relates to pencils to pixels because Baron talked about how technology has changed writing. As in this articles they talk about how much of the internet has affected our society.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

In pencils to pixels, I believe baron is right when he said technology has changed writing. I feel over the years it has changed the way we communicate for sure, but possibly for the better. An example that may justify this reason is that the pencil was not intended to write, it was meant for measurements in math. Also as time went on other technology came into play. The type writer was what started and now today we have the computer and laptops.

Some writing techniques that I prefer today is the computer/laptop. I would say this because the computer is such a useful tool, that can help and teach us all well. Everything I possibly may need can be right in front of me with a click of a button. I feel this tool is so valuable and has such a powerful impact on us.  I prefer this because while I am doing this assignment, I can backspace, write, and rewrite making it just how I like. Image result for pencils

However as a child the only way to ever have an assignment done was by writing in pencil. I absolutely hated using a pencil as a child, even to this day if you were to hand me a pencil I would probably chose to not write anything then to use a pencil. I hate the way it feels when you drag it along the page. I feel that was a reason why I struggled with writing as a child. What I feel may have hurt my writing techniques was using a pencil and a piece of paper. I feel by using them it would make the process and little harder with the editing and time consuming. Writing techniques that helped me was defiantly writing in pen. I always enjoyed that, I felt confident while writing with a pen.

I feel pixel has many advantages. One may be that it has spell check. Spell check is so important when turning in assignment, no teacher wants to read an essay that is messed up in grammar and punctuation. Also I feel that it may be quicker and easier. However, some disadvantages may be that you may tend to lose your work due to computer problems. Some writing techniques that may be disadvantage it may take way to long or even delete the work that you already did or started. An advantage to writing techniques is it is very reliable and simple.

I believe that the literacy of writing has changed in some ways. With this being said, I feel it is not the writing that changed but the way we go about it now. For example, instead of pen and paper we have a computer and keyboard. The concept is still there. However it just varies in the way it once was. I feel there is nothing wrong with this. I feel that in this time an age technology will always be changing meaning we need to expect it at one time or another, making it this time.