Monday, March 27, 2017

Blog 10~~ stop obesity !!!!!!!!

    Image result for obesity pictureImage result for obesity picture
While being assigned to pick a current event that is going on in our society is a tough one. In my perspective there is so much to talk about in the fitness and health community. With that being said I want to elaborate on the weight gain of children. I feel that is a major thing that many adults lack on bringing up to others attention.  Weight gain is a very serious matter, even more serious when talking about children. The lifestyle they live as when they are a child can take an extreme toll in when they grow up into adult hood.  The health problems that they could have prevented when a child is now too late for them to stop. By obesity in young children puts those at risks for high blood pressure, type two diabetes and even something like sleep disorders. These are life threatening conditions that should never have to get this way. The parents need to be more controlling and kept on track. Yes, we all understand that if a child is having a fit about not getting to eat that you just want to feed them it so they will be quite. However, take charge and stand up and tell the child no, because it is not a healthy life style that a child should be living. One out of three kids are either overweight or obese. I think that is just so sad for that child. I was never one to be overweight as a kid. I was always the kid that went home and had to have my mom see that paper that said I was underweight. Even though I was underweight I felt odd, I felt like I was different. To think about what a child would feel like being called obese or fat breaks my heart because most of the time we are able to stop this before it gets so bad. Kids now a days are so hooked to their cell phones, laptops, computers, or even video games that they are so unaware of the beautiful fresh air that is right outside of them. With kids being so hooked to their phones they tend to never exercise besides what they do in school in there gym classes. This is how obesity becomes a role in the child’s life. Then it is easier for the parent to just stop and get the kid sometime to eat from Burger King or Taco Bell and the weight starts from there on out. The kid is then loving this food rather than some healthy vegetables that the mom could have made. We need to stop obesity before obesity stops them.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you on this blog. Obesity is a major concern these days with children. I think parents need to step up their games. Parents need to say no to fast food restaurants. They should be providing a yummy healthy home cooked meal everyday. It is so sad that these kids are not getting enough exercise these days. Kids need to stop using their technology 24/7, and go out for a walk with their buddies.
