Monday, March 6, 2017

             Blog Eight- Make the Change !

Image result for cardio workouts that burn fatImage result for cardio workouts that burn fatI am going to start off by talking about cardio exercise workouts. Cardio exercise is anything that is anything physically that is able to get the heart rate up. Cardio exercise uses large amounts of your muscles throughout a constant movement keeping your heart rate at a level of at least fifty percent. Cardio is the key to shredding off some extra weight. While taking part in cardio exercise it will most certainly burn fat and you should be sweating. However, in order for you to burn the fat you need to be consistant with some cardio workouts.  For example, you could run, walk, go for a swim or even ride a bicycle.  You need to be participating in this workout for a minimum of twenty minutes of a continued elevated pulse rate, at least three times a week to begin to see results.  Now sometimes you may not see a great amount of weight loss from doing cardio. However, it does have benefits for your health that are something that you should take into consideration. In my personal experience I have had some much more energy while participating in cardio workouts. Also I tend to stress myself out very easily. I go through things and take them as the worst possible thing that could have happened and have a difficult time copping with it. But when I am able to run on a treadmill or go to the park and run for miles at end, I feel relieved like I do not have a worry in the world. I feel it helps so greatly for the mind as well as beneficial for the body. On another note, these types of workouts are beneficial because it keeps your heart strong and you healthy. I am not saying go to the gym and purchase a membership. You are able to just go for a twenty to thirty-minute walk around your neighborhood or a development near you.  If you are not one to take part in physical activity at first it may be tiring and you may be sore. Although you may be sore from your muscles not being worked in that particular way, after time the effects on that will change and you will become stronger with those workouts. You should also be familiar with the two schools for cardio training. To start off there is the “slow and steady” and then the “high intensity”. Not one or the other is better nor worse. These two schools however just consist of two different type of people and how they participate in their workouts.  The slow and steady takes part in long duration workouts for possible forty-five minutes to an hour. While doing this there are burning fats rather than burning carbs. This is defiantly a low intensity was of cardio.  There also is the high intensity group. This group consist of short duration of twenty to thirty minutes of burning tons of calories while possibly sprinting or doing other fast movements. Remember to challenge and push yourself to do the most you can do, eventually it will pay off.

1 comment:

  1. I like how motivational your blog is! Also I like how you included examples of work outs to do :)
