Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Image result for zumbaImage result for zumbaTo refresh your memory, the topic I have chosen was health and fitness. I feel like a good topic to blog about may be Zumba. Over the years I have been to numerus Zumba classes and all have them been quite a challenge for my body. You absolutely need to be mentally and physically prepared for this type of class. I have attended two different Zumba studios and they both gave me two completely different outlooks on them.  If you are unfamiliar with the term Zumba, it is an aerobic fitness program with movements by Latin American dance and performed to Latin American dance music. I feel as though these classes are extremely inspiring and up moving for the body and mind. In the past when I have attended Zumba classes, I think the reason I kept going back was because of the instructor. I have been to classes where the instructor failed to have the energy and pep.  I never went back to that one place because I felt I did not get the full effect of the studio. That studio did not catch my interest in the slightest bit. However, I attended another class at a different place with a different instructor and she was fantastic. The women made me want to take part in another class, you best believe I went back there for another session. The music was out of this world. The music was able to make my heart beat and keep me in the rhythm to work out and burn some calories. I have never been into that type of music but after hearing it in that atmosphere changed my way of thinking. I feel you are so unaware of how many calories you actually burn from this workout because of the upbeat atmosphere you are able to surround yourself in. But in addition to the fantastic instructor the facility could have been more up to date. The colors of the room were very dull. The color of the room was a simple baby blue with nothing else really to look at. I expected there to be bright colors flashing at my eyes when I walked in. For example, like a bright red, orange or even yellow. I also expected to see posters and signs all over the walls. If you have ever been to a gym you know they always have the posters encouraging, you to do your best. This place did not and I was let down. I expected the scenery to be very inspiring and motivating. This facility defiantly lacked this in my opinion. Another thing I was disappointed about was the amount of people that were in the class, it was a very large class. There was a wide variety of people. There is nothing wrong with this, the room just felt like it should have been bigger to have had so many people in this room. I felt like I was not able to move around as much as I could in the other facility I went to.

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