Monday, March 27, 2017

Blog 10~~ stop obesity !!!!!!!!

    Image result for obesity pictureImage result for obesity picture
While being assigned to pick a current event that is going on in our society is a tough one. In my perspective there is so much to talk about in the fitness and health community. With that being said I want to elaborate on the weight gain of children. I feel that is a major thing that many adults lack on bringing up to others attention.  Weight gain is a very serious matter, even more serious when talking about children. The lifestyle they live as when they are a child can take an extreme toll in when they grow up into adult hood.  The health problems that they could have prevented when a child is now too late for them to stop. By obesity in young children puts those at risks for high blood pressure, type two diabetes and even something like sleep disorders. These are life threatening conditions that should never have to get this way. The parents need to be more controlling and kept on track. Yes, we all understand that if a child is having a fit about not getting to eat that you just want to feed them it so they will be quite. However, take charge and stand up and tell the child no, because it is not a healthy life style that a child should be living. One out of three kids are either overweight or obese. I think that is just so sad for that child. I was never one to be overweight as a kid. I was always the kid that went home and had to have my mom see that paper that said I was underweight. Even though I was underweight I felt odd, I felt like I was different. To think about what a child would feel like being called obese or fat breaks my heart because most of the time we are able to stop this before it gets so bad. Kids now a days are so hooked to their cell phones, laptops, computers, or even video games that they are so unaware of the beautiful fresh air that is right outside of them. With kids being so hooked to their phones they tend to never exercise besides what they do in school in there gym classes. This is how obesity becomes a role in the child’s life. Then it is easier for the parent to just stop and get the kid sometime to eat from Burger King or Taco Bell and the weight starts from there on out. The kid is then loving this food rather than some healthy vegetables that the mom could have made. We need to stop obesity before obesity stops them.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Blog 9 - The gym :)

Image result for running
Image result for gym
After thinking long and hard about what I feel a discourse community is I have decided to talk about the gym as being one. I have not selected one specific gym but just any gym in general that someone would attend. I have noticed that a gym actually has a discourse community that I am a part of. A discourse course community is where people share common goals and understand each other basic values and assumptions. The discourse community that I am apart of involves a fitness community. For example, everyone that attends the gym is all looking for pretty much the same outcome at the end of the day or there training. We as a fitness community share the common goals to gain strength within ourselves. We also want to have the flexibility and to being able to train our body’s for long endurance. Another positive thing about the fitness community is we all want to be able to gain confidence within ourselves as well as showing it to others.  As this type of community we would like to be able to walk with our heads held high showing off the progress that we have made to ourselves. Some of our values include safety and injury prevention. These two things are so greatly important when taking part in physical activities. If you are uneducated on how to properly prepare yourself for a workout, you must take some action before doing so. If you do not stretch what needs to be stretch you can cause some serious damage to yourself. Now not only are you going to be in pain, but you will be out of the gym while your recovering from this injury. The gym is our home, second home to anyone in the fitness community. This discourse community has taught me that we all may be taking part in this community for different reasons but we all intend for outcomes to be the same, we are one and no one should be judging. In my personally opinion, I work out because I have got sick awhile back as I have stated in my other blog posts. With that being said, I added extra weight to myself that I was extremely unhappy with. I have lost weight throughout the process and am very pleased and proud of myself for pushing myself and not backing down. However, I enjoy going and seeing all the different types of people that attend. I still have much to go, but I feel as though no matter what size you should never be afraid to make a change to yourself. There will not be judgment in this community of fitness, only encouragement. Another women might be working out on the treadmill next to me because working out relieve stress for her. The women may be perfectly content with her weight but just exercises for a stress reliever. Another man may work out because his doctor has ordered him to because of health reasons. The point I am trying to make here is no matter what the situation is we all share the same interest and goals for ourselves.  Once the people in the fitness community may have achieved their goals they may still remain in the fitness community because they enjoy it. I personally love belonging to the fitness discourse community because it has really brought the better person out in me, I look forward waking up every day knowing I am going to do something good for my health and my mentality.

Monday, March 6, 2017

             Blog Eight- Make the Change !

Image result for cardio workouts that burn fatImage result for cardio workouts that burn fatI am going to start off by talking about cardio exercise workouts. Cardio exercise is anything that is anything physically that is able to get the heart rate up. Cardio exercise uses large amounts of your muscles throughout a constant movement keeping your heart rate at a level of at least fifty percent. Cardio is the key to shredding off some extra weight. While taking part in cardio exercise it will most certainly burn fat and you should be sweating. However, in order for you to burn the fat you need to be consistant with some cardio workouts.  For example, you could run, walk, go for a swim or even ride a bicycle.  You need to be participating in this workout for a minimum of twenty minutes of a continued elevated pulse rate, at least three times a week to begin to see results.  Now sometimes you may not see a great amount of weight loss from doing cardio. However, it does have benefits for your health that are something that you should take into consideration. In my personal experience I have had some much more energy while participating in cardio workouts. Also I tend to stress myself out very easily. I go through things and take them as the worst possible thing that could have happened and have a difficult time copping with it. But when I am able to run on a treadmill or go to the park and run for miles at end, I feel relieved like I do not have a worry in the world. I feel it helps so greatly for the mind as well as beneficial for the body. On another note, these types of workouts are beneficial because it keeps your heart strong and you healthy. I am not saying go to the gym and purchase a membership. You are able to just go for a twenty to thirty-minute walk around your neighborhood or a development near you.  If you are not one to take part in physical activity at first it may be tiring and you may be sore. Although you may be sore from your muscles not being worked in that particular way, after time the effects on that will change and you will become stronger with those workouts. You should also be familiar with the two schools for cardio training. To start off there is the “slow and steady” and then the “high intensity”. Not one or the other is better nor worse. These two schools however just consist of two different type of people and how they participate in their workouts.  The slow and steady takes part in long duration workouts for possible forty-five minutes to an hour. While doing this there are burning fats rather than burning carbs. This is defiantly a low intensity was of cardio.  There also is the high intensity group. This group consist of short duration of twenty to thirty minutes of burning tons of calories while possibly sprinting or doing other fast movements. Remember to challenge and push yourself to do the most you can do, eventually it will pay off.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Image result for zumbaImage result for zumbaTo refresh your memory, the topic I have chosen was health and fitness. I feel like a good topic to blog about may be Zumba. Over the years I have been to numerus Zumba classes and all have them been quite a challenge for my body. You absolutely need to be mentally and physically prepared for this type of class. I have attended two different Zumba studios and they both gave me two completely different outlooks on them.  If you are unfamiliar with the term Zumba, it is an aerobic fitness program with movements by Latin American dance and performed to Latin American dance music. I feel as though these classes are extremely inspiring and up moving for the body and mind. In the past when I have attended Zumba classes, I think the reason I kept going back was because of the instructor. I have been to classes where the instructor failed to have the energy and pep.  I never went back to that one place because I felt I did not get the full effect of the studio. That studio did not catch my interest in the slightest bit. However, I attended another class at a different place with a different instructor and she was fantastic. The women made me want to take part in another class, you best believe I went back there for another session. The music was out of this world. The music was able to make my heart beat and keep me in the rhythm to work out and burn some calories. I have never been into that type of music but after hearing it in that atmosphere changed my way of thinking. I feel you are so unaware of how many calories you actually burn from this workout because of the upbeat atmosphere you are able to surround yourself in. But in addition to the fantastic instructor the facility could have been more up to date. The colors of the room were very dull. The color of the room was a simple baby blue with nothing else really to look at. I expected there to be bright colors flashing at my eyes when I walked in. For example, like a bright red, orange or even yellow. I also expected to see posters and signs all over the walls. If you have ever been to a gym you know they always have the posters encouraging, you to do your best. This place did not and I was let down. I expected the scenery to be very inspiring and motivating. This facility defiantly lacked this in my opinion. Another thing I was disappointed about was the amount of people that were in the class, it was a very large class. There was a wide variety of people. There is nothing wrong with this, the room just felt like it should have been bigger to have had so many people in this room. I felt like I was not able to move around as much as I could in the other facility I went to.