Wednesday, April 19, 2017

 Ringrose, Jessica, and Emma Renold. "Slut-shaming, Girl Power and ‘sexualisation’: Thinking through the Politics of the International SlutWalks with Teen Girls." Gender and Education 24.3 (2012): 333-43. Web.

Image result for slut shamming
Image result for slut shammingI feel that in this article it is very powerful because it takes another look at what is being said. A police officer knows that he should not use the word ‘slut’ but has to in order to get his point across. He states how girls that dress like sluts are actually putting themselves in possible danger. Our “rape society” is disgusting and this gives men a chance to look negatively at women that are showing more skin and body then normal. This can relate to 13 Reasons Why because when she was in the hot tub in her bra and underwear, she was looked at as a prize. She was slutty as you may call it. However, why is it that girls have to be covered up or they are a slut, our world is becoming so cruel.

Quarterly, Social Psychology, and Vol. 77(2) 100–1 2014. Http:// ‘‘Good Girls’’: Gender, Social Class, and Slut Discourse on Campus (n.d.): n. pag. Web.

The article “Good Girls” is about how slut shamming has devolved.  Slut shamming is not only done by males but as well as females making these accusations about them too. This connects with 13 Reasons Why because she was slut shammed. One of the reason why she killed herself was because of the experience she had while being slut shammed. She felts destroyed by this as any girl should. This topic needs to be to be addressed more in high schools so girls understand that they should not feel ashamed if this happens.

Tanenbaum, Leora. "The Truth About Slut-Shaming." The Huffington Post., 15 Apr. 2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2017.

Image result for slut “The truth about Slut Shamming” is talking about how it is very easy for girls to cross the line from sexy to slutty. I think this is something that many people mistake for as a slut. There are beautiful girls out there that do not dress slutty but that are as many may say sexy to the eye. They may be eye candy but are do not have the slutty approach. This relates to 13 Reasons why because it talks about how many young girls that have been called sluts or experienced negative things have resulted in suicide.

What Is Slut Shaming?" NoBullying - Bullying & CyberBullying Resources. N.p., 28 Feb. 2017. Web. 17 Apr. 2017.

Image result for slut shammingThis main topic of this article was to get across at why and how the slut shamming has become such a popular word in our society. This site is about preventions and how to take action when this subject comes into play with a teenage girl’s life. This connects with 13 reasons why because it states how she was slut shammed without even doing anything. In other words, she was at the wrong place at the wrong time and someone snapped a picture of her and framed it making it seem like something else happened. In reality, this picture of other girls ‘slut shamming’ her began to destroy her reputation.  An interesting quote that I found in this article was a slut back then was known as a “kitchen maid”. I feel that today if I was to hear that would be lower the self-worth of a young girl. I see how different words can make an impact on their feelings.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Image result for slut shammingImage result for slut shammingI chose to talk about the article called “When Girls Use the Word ‘Slut’ to Bully Each Other”. This article in my perspective is very powerful and touchy subject for many to talk and explore about. Our society is so familiar with the word many refer to as in ‘Slut’.  A slut is a person that is no different by looking at, whether it may be you or me. Defining that person as a slut is an opinion, and judgment by a person. I intend to dig more in depth about this subject because this a problem in today’s society. Many young beautiful girls are being labeled as a slut which is unfair to themselves. While reading this article I have discovered that many women bullying other women by calling them this terrible name. Many women use this word to degrade someone because of their worth. This word has seemed to distinguish women between having power and women that do not. This word makes another women feel better or more high and mighty than someone who is as some may say innocent. I think the main reason why I may have picked this article is because when I was in high school I remember hearing this word most likely used at least once a week. The word SLUT was a common word for high schoolers to use. Today, I am able to look back at those moments and think wow these poor girls, being degraded because of what a guy may say or a girl who may be jealous of her. The word slut when going around a high school defiantly sticks with a girl in her reputation. I remember plenty of girls that I knew deep down would never, and were not as slut but were however being labeled as that because someone wanted to make a rumor about them.  This word needs to be taken more into consideration before being thrown into the air and into someone’s ears to hear. I want to go into detail about why this word is popular to our society.

            The article “When Girls Use the Word ‘Slut’ to Bully Each Other” is pretty much an article to inform you about a campaign that shows that women are very easily and responsible for degrading other women, we as women are bullies to one another. We together are victims to each other. This article states that researchers found that low status women who tried to enter the high status scene risked public slut shamming. To someone that may not understand what this means, this sentence is stating that the higher status women will certainly still have the high social dominance. The higher status women were not known as the sluts. In this passage it states how the higher status women are classy not trashy. This is such a double standard that we women do to each other. We constantly put one another down because why? We are jealous? This topic was so important to publish this because when we hear the word slut as a women, we think a guy is referring it or has said that about us or some other female. When in reality we as women are labeling other women with that term. This subject needs to be known and be addressed.

            This article uses researchers in a college scenery with college women around fifty three of them taking a psychology course. While taking part in this study researchers tracked there social lives of the women who lived on the same campus and same college dorm floor. There was high status girls as well as lower status girls. With that determination that is how they conducted there experiment. The basic results in this study was showing that it did not just have to do with the girl having sex with too many guys. The word slut could have been about the way the female was dressed being to revealing.  The researchers also found that the women with the high social status had more hookups then the lower status girls. However, with stating these statistics the researchers have found the high status women found themselves classy rather than trashy. The lower status girls were then labeled as trashy even though they had less hookups then the higher status girls.

            I feel as though this article has been informative and changed my outlook on this subject. I know for myself I have labeled a girl as a slut without knowing nothing about her. Reading this article had me second guess why I did this. However, I feel like many girls have at some point done this to someone by just judging there appearance. I know now I am wrong for this. The finding in this article “When Girls Use the Word ‘Slut’ to Bully Each Other” are absolutely very powerful to someone who is exploring this subject. Also I feel as though the conclusions of slut shamming was very valid. I one hundred percent agree with the way this article was written as well as the study shown on this topic. We as women need to stick together and stop putting one another down. We are getting nothing out of shamming each other.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Image result for sucideImage result for sucideI have decided to talk about 13 Reasons Why. This is a one season series consisting of thirteen episodes explaining reasons. It was extremely easy for me to talk about this because I have went through something similar to this while I was in High School. I picked this because it is easy for me to relate and grasp what is being asked. This show is about a teenage girl in high school that encounters many difficult situations that lead her to committing suicide. She leaves behind thirteen cassette tapes and with each tape it has one person on it stating why they made her committee suicide. The reasons they made her not want to live anymore. This topic defiantly is an important subject to discuss. I feel that it is important because so many young teenagers feel as though this is the way out. Teenagers are afraid to ask for help, they are ashamed. I think that we need to inform more teenagers how to seek help and get it.  We need to get this terrible situation under control. This show is so popular I feel because it touches many teenagers’ lives. As sad as it is, many students have probably had to encounter this situation in there High School. I know I have went through this in my junior year of high school. I remember getting the phone call saying that she had hung herself. There was no words, still is no words for me to explain how I felt and still feel about this situation, it hits home, real hard.  Some ways that I am going to analyze 13 Reasons Why is by finding statistics on teenage suicide, where the highest suicide rating are, why kids do it, there home life, friends and even the ages of the children that do it. I feel I should have no problem finding these facts on the situation. This is a sad topic to discuss but I willing to dig into this and find out the horrible statistics. I want to be much more informed so that maybe I will be able to help someone that needs it.  I feel this artifact says that our culture has problems. I feel it states and shows what is so wrong about our culture and how upsetting it really is. Also it shows how rude and cruel people are to one another. It is terrifying to me to think that the person sitting next to me in a classroom could be thinking about going home and ending their life. Some research I have learned about this is that Chicago is the highest teenage suicide rate. The ratings on suicide is at a 7.8 percent as a result of bullying. Since 2009 it has increased within 1.5 percent. That is shame that it is continuing to go up. Also one in every twelve teens have attempted suicide. I cannot wait to continue to research on this topic so I can be more informed.  We all need to be informed on this devastating topic.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Blog 12!!

Image result for weight watcherImage result for advocare picturesI would like to explore more in depth about weight/life style programs that can be beneficial. I feel this topic is such a hard thing for many people to grasp. Many people do not fully understand what nutrition and eating right actually means. Eating right and having the right nutrition in your body benefits you greatly. As some may not know, your liver is the organ for removing fat and toxins. With this being said, if it is healthier it will be able to work better for you in the weight loose. I recently started a program called AdvoCare. This program is a very well known. The program is designed to teach you how to eat properly and to help you reach your goals. Your goals may include weight gain, weight loose or maybe even to just learn how to eat right and get on track of a healthier life style. For me this program is helping me loose the extra weight I am trying to shed off. As in my other blog posts, I have explained how I got really sick and gained a drastic amount of weight. However, I decided I need to change my lifestyle and I lost twenty-two pounds. I am hoping for AdvoCare that I will be able to succeeded even more. AdvoCare has a twenty-four-day challenge. In this challenge it includes comprehensive supplementation and nutrition to give your body the jump it needs to help you reach your goals. This program is beneficial to anyone that is looking to make a change to their lifestyle. I would also like to talk about Weight Watchers. I personally have never tried this program but know many that have done this and succeeded. Weight Watchers is about losing weight and teaching you how to eat right. Weight Watchers is the number one weight lose diet program. There program provides you with food, making the transition of counting calories easier to keep under control. It also helps you to be aware of what you are putting into your body. AdvoCare gives you options of what is good and what Is bad to eat, while Weight Watchers provides you with the food. They both are extremely beneficial to someone who is trying to eat better, however one program may work more efficiently than the other. Someone may not have the time to meal prep their food. By saying that Weight Watchers is probably the better option for you. While if you have the time and want to create your own dishes and like the thought of cooking for yourself, AdvoCare may be the smarter option to choose. The program AdvoCare and Weight Watchers are similar in what they are trying to promote and accomplish.  I highly suggest if you are trying to make the decision on a healthy, GO FOR IT!!! You can do it, it is all your mentally and mindset. If you are willing to put out, you will see the progress or feel better about yourself.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Blog 13!!

Image result for gym workouts
Image result for gym workoutsWhile being a part of the gym, the audience that they target are people who are trying to get in shape and improve their self and health. I am aware that these are the people that they target because of the way the way they communicate. Someone that is trying to improve themselves is normally pretty noticeable. For example, the way someone is going about for eating is a big telltale sign. You will see healthy foods or maybe smaller portions with their food.  The purpose for someone who attends the gym is not just about getting fit and healthy but it is for themselves and for their confidence and the way they feel. You may feel very insecure with yourself and the gym could be a step to making you feel more confident. Take me for example, I used to dread summertime. I would cringe at the thought of wearing a bathing suit or going to the beach with friends. I felt so ashamed of myself and the way I looked. However, because I have determination and have lost a good amount of weight from attending the gym, I feel more comfortable with the thought of summer, I am not so overwhelmed. I am aware of this because throughout the article that I have chosen people state their feelings and how we all have our own story of why we are uncomfortable within our bodies. The article has ethos in it because is stating all about the healthy life style of someone who works out. The article also has an extremely large number of statastics. The article has many workouts showing you how to improve this type of body muscles versus that. Also it has pathos because it is trying to associate with the reader by writing about people stories and their journeys throughout their fitness life style change. Lastly, logos come into play because of the way they have certain information citied. I feel by citing certain things in the article it shows knowledge about the topic. I also think it makes the reader want to go and get more information about that topic. I absolutely feel that these appeal to the audience and convince the reader. I think that because this article is a popular site. At the bottom of the article is has how many people viewed this article and the number is very high making me think that people that are interested defiantly go to this site for information.  This article many focused on workout and what they do to benefit you because if they were to continue to skip around, the reader may get lost and not understand what they are trying to say. I think this because say you know nothing about the fitness community and going to an article and trying to read it, will be difficult if they keep skipping around from topic to topic.  The style of the article appeals to the audience because of the pictures explaining the workouts. The pictures are very appealing and drawl attention right to the eye. The pictures also make coming into the fitness community easier and less stressful trying to figure them out on your own.